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The construction industry must do more to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviour of its workforce. There is renewed emphasis on using personal experience and reflection to address more explicitly the individual attitudes and shared perceptions that ultimately drive onsite health and safety behaviour. At NewtonLowe we are construction and engineering specialists committed to improving onsite health and safety, with a passion for education.

NewtonLowe specifically developed The Situation Engine to deliver managed, practical experience to individuals and groups using hyper-immersive digital technologies. The learner is cast into one of many alternative safe and unsafe situations onsite, experienced from multiple perspectives, and must actively interpret and consider the possibilities for action. Observe how an accident unfolds through the eyes of different workers; witness the injuries that can result from unsafe practices; consider and discuss how to respond and what might have been done differently; do all of this through authentic personal experience, immersed in a virtual world.

The Situation Engine offers a radically different approach to behavioural change that has genuine potential to transform the training outcomes of the industry. An innovative business model transfers all of the raw resources to the client and kick-starts their technical capability to develop the technology further. We offer an open pathway for individual construction and engineering organisations to develop and deploy video-game technology themselves, not only for training and assessment purposes but for a full and rich spectrum of future possibilities.

See this pdf for more detail

Please contact us for a business solution tailored to your situation.